
  Ramzan Fasting during pregnancy Though there is an old saying that goes to avoid fasting and feasting in pregnancy . Many women have been fasting in pregnancy for centuries. If you decide to fast some of the guidelines have been added says Fertility Centre in Chennai. 1) Avoid heavy physical activity during fasting 2) Hydrate […]


  CERVICAL ENCERCLAGE CERVICAL ENCERCLAGE – CERVICAL O S TIGHTENING Over Guidance of Fertility Centre in Chennai 1.This procedure is done for patients who have had abortion after 3 rd month of pregnancy 2.Short Cerix 3. Recurrent Pregnancy loss 4. Sometimes in IVF pregnancies It is a minor procedure done under short IV anaesthesia requiring one dayadmission in […]


  Facts on Miscarriage What is Miscarriage? Loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks of pregnancy / 5th month. Usually it occurs in first 12 weeks It causes a lot of stress and tension to the couples and family. They always want to know what went wrong. Some patients have repeatedmiscarriages or Bad obstetric history which requires […]


  Delayed cord clamping At the moment your baby’s Born 1/3 of their blood is still outside their body states cm hospital Best Gynecologist in Chennai for Normal Delivery . If you delay cord clampy for 90 seconds they get 60% more blood cells. They get enough Iron supply. They get WBC to help fight infection. […]