Getting Pregnant Can Happen in Different Ways

Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. Getting pregnant can happen in different ways.

Understanding your fertility pattern can help with avoiding pregnancy as well as getting pregnant. Understanding how pregnancy happens is important. If you want to avoid pregnancy, it helps to know when a woman is most likely to get pregnant, and when she is not. If you are trying to become pregnant, it is important to know when getting pregnant is most likely and the different ways it can happen.

Whether you are trying to avoid pregnancy, trying to get pregnant, or are just curious, you may have lots of questions. Here are some answers about how pregnancy happens.

When Does Pregnancy Begin?

In order for a woman to become pregnant, she must release an egg from her ovary — ovulation. Next, the egg and sperm must meet and form a single cell — fertilization...


During the first two weeks of a woman’s menstrual cycle she has her period. This usually lasts 3–7 days. After that, hormones make eggs mature in her ovaries, and the lining of her uterus thickens...


Ovulation happens about two weeks before a woman’s next period would take place. The egg enters a fallopian tube and starts moving toward the uterus...


After vaginal intercourse or alternative insemination, several hundred sperm travel up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. An egg may be in one of the tubes. One sperm may fertilize the egg...

Boy or Girl?

Millions of sperm are released when a man ejaculates. About half of them have a gene that could produce a boy. The other half have one that could produce a girl....


The fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube and divides into more and more cells, forming a ball. The ball of cells reaches the uterus about 3–4 days after fertilization. The ball floats in the uterus for another 2–3 days....


Ovulation happens about two weeks before a woman’s next period would take place. The egg enters a fallopian tube and starts moving toward the uterus....


It is possible for the developing ball of cells to split up until about the end of week four. If it splits into two, for example, identical twins can develop. It is also possible for two eggs to be released at ovulation....

Gestational Age

Pregnancy is measured using “gestational age.” Gestational age starts on the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP).Gestational age can be confusing. Most people think of pregnancy as lasting nine months....

How Do Women Get Pregnant?

Women can get pregnant in a variety of ways. It is also possible — but less likely — for women to become pregnant through any kind of sex play in which semen, or ejaculate...

When Is Getting Pregnant Most Likely?

A woman’s fertile days depend on the life span of the egg and the sperm. Her egg only lives for about a day after ovulation. Sperm can live inside her body for about six days

How Can I Avoid Pregnancy?

Using birth control consistently and correctly is the best way a sexually active woman can avoid pregnancy. There are many safe, effective birth control options.