Dr. Krithika Manimaran, who is a gynaecologist & FOGSI certified Reproductive medicine specialist.
It was started in the years 2013 & within a short span of 8 years of achieved several pregnancies through various medical treatments and assisted conception procedures.
The heart of the IVF program is located in 1000 sq. ft. of sterile hepa filtered air conditioned environment.
We have 03 microscopes (stereo zoom inverted microscope & phase contrast microscope), laminar air flow unit and trigas incubators.
Our ICSI micromanipulator system is the most effective & expensive imported from Japan. Embryo freezing & culture media from Denmark, Ovum aspiration pump from USA.
Operation theatres are fully equipped with Boyles apparatus, multi parameter monitor, 04 ultra sound machines, 3D colour Doppler, video laparoscopy & hysteroscopy equipment setup to ensure high standards to the patient.
Precautions taken at IVF Lab
All patients are tested for HIV, HbsAg, VDRL & HCV and all STD’s.
Highest level of asepsis and safety is used in all lab procedures.
All lab wear used are disposable.
Dr. Krithika Manimaran after completing her post graduation in India, underwent fellowship in Infertility as it was her special interest has worked with stalwart fertility specialist across India. She is the latest GenNext fertility specialist to join the CM Family.
Today CM CRADLE FERTILITY has successful client base across India and even from the Middle East and Srilanka.
We understand the agony and emotional distress of young couples facing fertility issues. Our mission is to provide the best modern technology at an affordable price with sensitivity & a smile. Our goal is to see those two pink lines for our patients at the earliest and send home a couple happily with their baby.
Our dream is to bring happiness to couples, and to complete their family. Many couples have got clarity insight & closure to their Infertility issues after their first consultation and got answers to their questions which they have been searching for a long time. Our vision is to be the best in fertility in Chennai and give maximum success. A promise to deliver the best and give the best is what our heart beats for.
Couples from various parts in Tamil Nadu, Middle East countries & Srilanka have come to our centre for treatment, counseling & delivery. We are proud of the name & fame We have gained in a short span of time & are looking to expand our services to newer dimensions.
Our aim is to give personalized care & to the point diagnostics, cradle fertility centre aims at giving you one-to-one personalized consultation, so that you have a clear idea about the treatment options.
Cost effective quality care and adequate explanation for each and every step taken for treatment is our motto.
We have the several ultrasound machine with Doppler, all the injections & medicines for fertility treatment, fully equipped laboratory, IUI lab, IVF & 3D ICSI lab for all the latest treatments.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
- Our aim is to give the couple a pregnancy in the shortest span of time & make them walk home with a body.
- This is a easier procedure & cost effective
- The sperms that all of good quality & motility are separated in the lab from the semen.
- Men with low counts benefit from intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- ART procedures like IVF, ICSI, Donor Egg, Donor Sperm and Surrogacy programs are done here.
- Once the patient becomes pregnant the pregnancy care can be continued at CM HOSPITAL.
Hysteroscopy / Laparoscopy
Many corrective surgeries for shape defects in the uterus and for fibroids have been done at CM HOSPITAL.
We have achieved several pregnancies after corrective surgeries for fibroids uterine septum removal.
We have removed as many as 18 fibroids from the uterus for one patient after which we delivered a healthy baby for our client. Many corrective procedures for defects in the shape of the uterus has been done to achieve pregnancy.
One of the best laparoscopic centres which offers minimally invasive Key hole procedures for all diseases of the uterus, tubes and ovaries.
We offer laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, ovarian drilling, surgeries for removing tubal blocks, removal of fibroids, adenomyomas, lysis of adhesions and hysteroscopic removal of polyps, fibroids and septum. Laparoscopic removal of ectopic pregnancies, should they occur without disturbing the intrauterine pregnancy is both co-exist is also done. Creating an optimal enviroment in the uterus, tubes and ovaries help to enhance pregnancy rates.
Clinical Laboratory
Accurate diagnosis is the ABC of effective treatment our fully equipped clinical laboratory will help in making precise diagnosis to guarantee a positive outcome.
Recurrent Miscarriage
If you are suffering from bad obstetric history or two pregnancy losses correct Diagnosis of your exact problem by Genetic counselling is given in Multispeciality hospital. Certain blood coagulation disorders, 3D US, Hysteroscopy & diagnostic can aid in correct .We have delivered healthy babies for many women in India & women settle in aboard, who have had recurrent abortions earlier. We offer Medical treatment for tube pregnancy.